Friday, October 17, 2008

Korny-time with Kenna

Makenna's second grade class had a fieldtrip today to the Idaho Corn Maze. One of the great perks about being a stay-at-home mom is being available to help out for things like this. Her teacher needed six adults to come along, and sixteen parents volunteered. I wondered if maybe I didn't need to go, but Makenna was so excited about me being there... so off I went. By the way, thank you, Mom, for taking care of my little ones so I could go. I figured there will be plenty of time when Makenna won't be so excited about hanging out with Mom in front of her friends, so I'd better enjoy this now. And it was a ton of fun!

Makenna tried her hand at roping a hay-bail cow. Not too successfully, as you can see. Her expressions are hilarious - I laughed when I realized I'd caught this last face on film. (If you click on a picture you can see it up close).

So, the corn maze was incredible. It blows my mind how anyone could create something like that in a cornfield. The maze itself was a picture of McCain and Obama and a little sign that said "Left or Right?" (Which I thought was funny in a maze.) We must have wandered for an hour in there. Someone with my sense of direction really shouldn't be allowed to chaperone children into a maze. Luckily, the bus drivers came along and we followed them out, otherwise we might still be circling John McCain's eyebrow.

It was a fun place. There was also a big bouncy bubble, a corn box (like a sand box, but corn), a peddle-car race track, a cow train, a petting zoo, duck races, and a hayride to pick out our very own pumpkins! Mostly, it was just a wonderful day with my sweet Makenna.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


We took a trip out to the Church Orchard a couple weeks ago to pick peaches with our ward. We had a good time and afterward we bought a bunch to bring home and can. Yummy!

The trees had been pretty well picked over and the only peaches left were up pretty high or well hidden. Shaylie actually found more peaches than the rest of us combined - her little vantage point did the trick.

I LOVE the satisfaction of rows and rows of beautiful fruit bottled up for the family. As a mom, you can't usually see the results of a hard day's work. Stories read, meals cooked (and eaten), laundry washed (and dirtied again), kids taxi'ed here and there... But lined up on my counter - see? I did something today!

Shaylie Sue

I couldn't let the summer pass without celebrating Shaylie's third birthday. We had her party at Lakeview Pool. She also shared her day with twin cousins, Collin and Sydney. What can we say about our Shaylie??? I had someone say recently, "Wow! She's quite a little pistol, isn't she." I thought that sums her up pretty well. Along with darling, energetic, friendly, and did I mention - spirited? Happy Birthday, Shaylie! We love you!!