Sunday, June 6, 2010


I'm such a sucker... but when Carter called home from work and told me about a litter of three-day old kittens which had been found bagged up at the garbage dump, I agreed at once to take them in. They were sooo tiny and sweet and looked like drowned rats at first, like most newborns, hee, hee. My heart instantly went out to them. I don't think I realized at first what I was getting myself into. They had to be bottle-fed every three hours...around the clock. At first it took 45 minutes for each feeding. Carter was wonderful to get up with me at the 3am feeding so we could both feed and finish in half the time and get back to sleep. Middle of night feedings were bringing back memories, although I decided that bottle-fed babies are the way to go - that way Dad can help, too.

Now, four weeks later, the kittens have grown huge and plumped up adorably. Our cat Ginny despises them, but the rest of us have really enjoyed having the sweet little babies around.

Here is Shaylie reading a book to a kitty...

And Kyler helping at feeding time.

Who could resist such little sweeties as these? Which brings me to an important point... I have started the process of weaning them from the bottle and teaching them to eat cat food. They are doing great at it, so I figure they only need another week or so and then they will be ready to find new homes. Is anyone out there thinking you need a new feline friend?? Do you know anyone who might like one of the sweetest kitties ever?


Alanya/Ally said...

They've grown a ton! I hope you find good homes for all of them. You already know I don't want one. I only helped you feed them at 3:00 am at the retreat because I like you! Feel lucky, baby!

Lynette said...

They are adorable and you are one very dedicated Kitty Mama! I think the Thueson's will pass though!

Lynette said...

They are adorable and you are one dedicated Kitty Mama! I think the Thueson's will pass on this one!

Sara said...

Oh my word, don't tempt me! We all know Neil would have a fit anyway, but I would love one of those sweet things!! Good job for saving their little lives!

Sara said...

Oh my word, don't tempt me! We all know Neil would have a fit anyway, but I would love one of those sweet things!! Good job for saving their little lives!