Sunday, April 18, 2010


What to say about my Jayden.....

Jayden has also had a big year, full of lots of exciting firsts. The most important being that he turned twelve and was ordained to the Priesthood. He seems to have a sense of the responsibility of it and a reverence for the duties he carries out. Young Men's activities are another fun new adventure. What a big step!

Jayden started sixth grade this year, which in our area means he was off to middle school. That was another big change for him, to a whole new world of lockers, schedules, lots of teachers, lots of homework, lots of kids. He has handled it just fine and he is having some fun times as he experiments with a few new things. He joined the basketball and tennis teams at school, and he plays the sax in the band.

During practice time I hear a lot more "Crazy Train" and "Ironman" than assigned music pieces, but that's okay as long as he is having fun with it. Jayden even figured out how to play "the Pink Panther" as a special request from me. I love it!

Jayden got glasses this year. Another first. I'm not sure it is one to celebrate, but what do ya do? Bad eyesight is a genetic gift from me. Sorry, Jayden. He took it in stride even though he didn't love them, and now he is bugging me about contacts. I think we'll wait a little while, though. Luckily, he looks dashing in his specs, don't you think?

Here he is showing off some of his dance moves with his cousins. We love Jayden's fun, comical personality.

Jayden enjoyed playing catcher on his baseball team last year.

His favorite hobbies at the moment are fishing in the canal behind our house, drawing (he's really getting good!Every piece of homework is fully doodled and illustrated.) and messing on the computer when I let him. Also hunting with Dad every chance he gets and target shooting his bow. He is into everything fantasy and midevil. He's a great reader and lately he has enjoyed the Percy Jackson books and Ranger's Apprentice books. He figures he wants to be an engineer when he grows up. He's especially interested in the aerospace thing, and designing things that fly. Of course he is also considering the FBI, or maybe Men in Black....Jayden's biggest challenges at the moment are his adorable, pesky little brothers and sisters, and his darn alarm clock that goes off WAY too early every morning.

Jayden, I love the great person you are growing into and we are all so thankful to have you around. We love you!!

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