Thursday, January 15, 2009

Kyler is Five!!

The last five years with Kyler have flown by! No longer my dimpled, grinning baby, he has grown into my active, smart, dimpled, grinning little boy. Carter has accused me of giving him anything he wants. That surely isn't true, but I have to admit there is something about that twinkle in his eyes and that little grin that melts my heart every time. I have worried about Kyler, being sandwiched in between the two "big kids" and the two "little kids." But his easy-going nature has allowed him to be flexible and find his own place in the family. And we couldn't do without him! Kyler is quick with a smile, quick to help, and quick with a hug. He is especially artistic with colors and he has picked up reading in a flash.

We celebrated his birthday at Grandma and Grandpa Andrews' cabin in Garden Valley right after Christmas. (I have some fun pictures of that trip I will post later) It was quiet with just our family, but he had cake and presents and I hope Kyler felt how much we love him.


Lynette said...

Kyler is one of the cutest kids I know!! Happy belated birthday Bubba!

Vicki said...

Happy Birthday Buddy. Everytime I look at him I see a mini Carter! What a happy guy!